
8 weeks, excluding


6–8 hours per week,
entirely online

Learning Format

Weekly modules,
flexible learning

On completion of this program, you’ll walk away with:


The ability to investigate opportunities to create and capture value throughout the customer journey.


An understanding of how value can be extracted from data, and insight into key digital marketing tools that can help inform evidence-based business decisions.


The knowledge needed to maximize value from owned media via search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and paid media strategies.


A digital certificate of participation from the Yale School of Management Executive Education, formalizing your essential digital marketing skills and knowledge.*

*Upon successful completion of your program, you’ll also join the exclusive Yale School of Management Executive Education group on LinkedIn

Program outline

Module 1:
Frameworks for generating customer value
Module 2:
Paid Media: Advertising that reaches customers
Module 3:
Owned Media: Impactful content marketing
Module 4:
Social media: Listening, promotion, and engagement
Module 5:
Expanding value using mobile technologies
Module 6:
Using analytics to innovate
Module 7:
Organizational considerations for digital transformation
Module 8:
Digital marketing, regulation, and the future

Your Program Co-conveners

Professor K Sudhir

James L Frank Professor of Private Enterprise and Director of the Yale China India Insights Program, Yale School of Management

Professor Sudhir holds a PhD in Marketing from Cornell University. He joined the Yale School of Management as an Assistant Professor of Marketing in 2001. Sudhir became the James L Frank Associate Professor of Private Enterprise and Management in 2003, and a Professor of Marketing in 2006. His interest is in data-driven research and how this can help organizations capture and create value in the customer journey. He is currently editor-in-chief of Marketing Science, and had been an Associate Editor at all of the field’s quantitative marketing journals.

Professor Jiwoong Shin

Professor of Marketing, Yale School of Management

Professor Shin has been at the Yale School of Management since 2004. He holds a PhD in Management Science from MIT. His research focuses on understanding why people engage in word of mouth, and he also looks at how firms can take advantage of this by encouraging word of mouth. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, among other publications. For two years in a row (2010 and 2011), Professor Shin has been the recipient of the John D. C. Little Best Paper Award, awarded for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science and Management Science.

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GetSmarter, a brand of 2U, Inc., collaborates with the world's leading universities to select, design and deliver premium online short programs with a data-driven focus on learning gain.

Technology meets academic rigor in our people-mediated model which enables lifelong learners across the globe to obtain industry-relevant skills that are recognized by the world’s most reputable academic institutions.

An online education that sets you apart

This Yale SOM Executive Education online program is delivered in collaboration with online education provider GetSmarter, part of edX. Join a growing community of global professionals, and benefit from the opportunity to:


Gain invaluable competencies and recognition from an international selection of universities and institutions, online and in your own time.


Enjoy a personalized, people-mediated online learning experience created to make you feel supported at every step.


Experience a flexible but structured approach to online education as you plan your learning around your life to meet weekly milestones.

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